Snapshots & Stories: First Snow Day of 2024

There’s always something special about the first snow of the year. While the novelty of it wears off quickly in the weeks to come, the first storm brings about a little twinkle in one’s eyes. Old man winter is here. And thank goodness for it, because mud season was getting a bit out of hand.

Despite what many people assume, animals that are acclimated to living outdoors are actually very hardy to the cold weather. They often do much better in the cold of winter versus the heat and humidity of peak summer. Wind can chill an animal to the core, but the cold is nothing a hardy goat (or cow, or chicken, or farm dog) can’t handle.


It’s not often I arrive to the farm as the sun is coming up, but on this particular day I did. The soft glow of winter’s blanket of snow made everything in sight look simply magical.

My first greetings and hay delivery every morning go to the “Baby Squad,” as I like to refer to them. Many of you, I’m sure, have met them. Krisp and Miranda the calves, and Louie the goat who all reside just beyond the farm stand. Despite the wind and snow outside, they stay snug as bugs inside their little huts.

Most days I thankfully have the immense help of my mother who watches Elliott in the comfort of her warm home while I get barn chores done. This particular morning he was stuck with me. Turns out an empty trash can is the perfect place to plop a baby who wants to constantly be on the go!

Sweetheart Mariah. The most gently cow in the whole herd to milk.

Kendra. One of our newest dairy gals to arrive on the farm. She’s very cautious of all movement and changes around her.

I absolutely love the stillness and peace that envelops the land after a fresh coating of snow.

The first storm of the year dropped about 16 inches of snow; or roughly half an Elliott. :-)

Baby’s first snow day, and he was NOT a fan! Kept trying to barrel-roll out of the sled, covering his whole face in snow. Poor kid looked like a bona fide snowman after our adventure out.

Gina enjoying a snow snack. Goats completely loathe the rain, but surprisingly don’t mind the snow one bit. Heavy snow often brings pine branches sagging closer to the ground, and the goats love having access t0 more tasty treats.

I had to stealthily snap a quick pic of Kezra from afar because she instantly comes running up to me as soon as she sees me. But I wanted to get a photo of her enjoying her new dog house, lovingly made by my partner and his son. This is Kezra’s first winter with us. From all accounts I’ve read, livestock guardian dogs do not like to go inside shelters because it prohibits them from having a 360 degree view of their surroundings. I was so happy to see her hunkered down in it during the snowstorm.

While a hindrance to many aspects of daily life, I sure do enjoy looking at a snow-coated world after the first one or two storms of the year!