Our farm family is growing!

Maplebrook Farm’s 5th generation is arriving in 2023!


In February my partner and I are welcoming our first child together… the 5th generation to join Maplebrook Farm. Considering that there are so few good surprises in life, we have decided to wait until birth to find out if it’s a boy or a girl.

I have been blessed with a very healthy, easy pregnancy that I accredit entirely to an agrarian lifestyle abundant with fresh air and exercise. I ditched the traditional modern approach to prenatal care, and have opted to work with a midwife and plan for a home birth. I have loved every aspect of working with a midwife, and highly recommend it to anyone considering an alternative path from modern obstetrics.

I so appreciate all of the well wishes, words of support, and gifts that we’ve received from our amazing community of farm supporters. To those who have asked what items we could still use in preparation for this new bean, here is a link to the registry.

An abundance of gratitude and thanks to my sweet friend Shayna, owner of Simply Beloved Photos, who came over to the farm on a moment’s notice to capture these beautiful photos on a snow-dusted December morning before the sun came out and melted the magic away.