How to turn your goals into a reality

A central conversation around the start of a new year is on yearly resolutions. And while we often set lofty expectations of ourselves that last about a week (if you’re lucky), our resolutions often lack intention and articulation to accomplish them in the long-term.

I’m here to help you change that! I’ll walk you through the process of creating goals that you can easily turn into a reality in no time. You can do this on a blank sheet of paper, or print out this custom guide and fill in the blanks as you go through the process outlined below.

  1. Write down your goals

    • ex: Exercise more, eat healthier, etc.

  2. Rewrite each goal as a tangible action

    • ex: Go to the gym for 1 hour, 3 mornings per week, make a home-cooked dinner 5 nights per week, etc.

  3. Set a date by which you’ll accomplish each goal

    • ex: I will do “X” for the entire month of January.

  4. Write down steps or systems that will help you achieve your goal

    • ex: laying out your workout clothes the night before, meal prepping for the week ahead, etc.

  5. Write down any fears you may have associated with this goal

    • Acknowledging the challenges you think you’ll face will help you to mentally overcome them before and during the process of working toward your goal.

  6. Write down how you’ll celebrate your accomplishment

    • ex: Special date night with your partner, having friends over for a dinner party, etc.

Remember, you always want to have SMART Goals. These are goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound. Follow the steps above and you’ll be on your way to accomplishing you big goals and dreams in no time at all.



Hannah’s 2022 Goals:

I have spent the last 4 years of my life heavily devoted to this farm and growing my business. So much so that many other aspects of my life, like my personal health and relationships have taken a back seat to business and farm growth. This year I’d really like to focus on the family, friends, hobbies, and wellness practices that I’ve neglected over the past few years. The following is a short list (minus the action steps) of the goals I’ve set for myself in 2022:

  • Prioritize family and close friends over work

  • Start Quilting

  • Begin writing a book

  • Get back to hiking in the White Mountains

  • Serve farm customers better through consistent emails and more free offerings

  • Outsource some farm/business work